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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

If You Can't Stand the Heat, Just Stay on The Couch, We'll Take Care of You

So I know its been a while since I've created a blog post and I apologize to those that read and enjoy them. However these thoughts in my head have just been brewing and brewing and brewing. It's really starting to get to be too much and I have to let them out. *Side Note* This is a vent, if you disagree and would like to be vented at further please comment. PLEASE. However, if you agree, you're probably one of my great friends and you know where I'm coming from and how much this ticks me off, or you just have a job and don't like getting screwed either.

I was thinking about doing this note after the fact but I'll get it out of the way now for viewers sake: If you have a LEGITIMATE reason to receive benefits or aid, I am not attacking you.

I have serious issues with people who are comfortable mooching off others, it bothers me. This whole post is based off of this topic, if you don't like it feel free to click the "x" on the current tab or browser window.

I think the government is so far beyond screwed up and that everything is backwards, and I know people say this all the time but if our Founding Fathers saw what the deal is with the government they'd turn over in their graves. And it's not just the government, its also some of the citizens.

My main problem that I have with the government, aid programs, people who are on aid programs for the wrong reason, is that we're rewarding the wrong people. Why would you reward people for being lazy? I get so pissed off anytime these topics are discussed because I cannot stand moochers. Why give someone stuff for sitting on their hiney and doing nothing when they (those who are) are perfectly capable of doing just about anything, including just about any entry level, bottom-of-the-totem-pole kind of jobs? What bothers me is the people who are just too damn lazy to do anything. The ones with a fully-functioning brain, whether or not their thoughts are stupid, two legs with feet attached, and two arms with hands at the end of them. The ones who intentionally slack because they know they will get handed stuff to survive.

If you have a job and you need the SUPPLEMENTAL help that is fine by me, you are trying at least.

I know people that have friends that have cell phones when they're on foodstamps. Not just cell phones but things like cable, internet, they smoke cigarettes. These friends also have BRAND NEW CARS, new jewelry, new this, new that, PETS (very costly investment), discounted things that shouldn't be discounted because they are too lazy to get a job! What kills me though is discounted school for those who WILL NOT give anything back to society. So now I, or people who will work and will contribute, have to pick up their tab because they're a scumbag. How is that my fault? Why don't I get a discount on school for giving back? Why do I have to buy a small beater car, 1997 Ford Escort, which is PURPLE so someone else can have a new car of their color choice with all the money they save from not buying food because they are on food stamps. How are we ok with this? Honestly, it drives me insane.

Again, if you have a legit reason to have these aid programs I AM NOT ATTACKING YOU. If you're lazy however, I AM ATTACKING YOU. Get a damn job. Work for something, be proud of your work, everyone has jobs, why can't you have one besides being an unofficial Lay-Z-Boy tester (which you probably got for free)?

"But there aren't any jobs... :( "
Bullshit, absolute bullshit. I am currently working two jobs, I've even considered looking for a 3rd job! Granted, one of my jobs requires a degree, that's fine, the other one does not and anyone could do it. And guess what, there are still more jobs out there. I bet you Circle K is hiring for the night shift, I bet you Giant Eagle/Walmart/Marc's is looking for a cart person. I bet you any place that has public restrooms is looking to hire someone for a cool $7.25 an hour to clean them, I'm sure you could find a job flipping burgers somewhere, fast food places almost always need more people. Just look! No, don't just look. Apply. Physical effort and paper application are implied in applying. Get off your butt, get off your high horse, and get on the payroll at friggin Dairy Queen. Any job is better than no job. I would never try and bring down anyone who has a job, I respect people who have jobs.

On top of that, don't give me that "I won't do that." I bet if you had your aid programs pulled out from under you like a rug and you had nothing supporting you other than your spine, you would "do that" in a heartbeat. Oh wow, you have to actually do some heavy lifting or clean toilets? It's a job, what do you expect when you go to WORK? I know what I expect and its not really a shocker either, ready for it? I expect to WORK. If you just spit your Kool-Aid out in disgust for the previous statement, I sincerely apologize for offending you. Almost. I've had so many different jobs and I started when I was 13! There are jobs out there!

I just cannot stand footing the bill anymore for lazy people. I shouldn't have to work to support 3 other people when they are perfectly able to get a job themselves, unless it's my family. I'll loan someone money from time to time and not expect anything back but you know what, I'd rather be able to lose the occasional $5 to someone who is in a pinch over not being able to lose that $5 because I don't want to get a job. But maybe I'm the person to blame for this vicious cycle of joblessness, helplessness, laziness, etc. because I WILL spot the occasional five bucks.

This really has to change soon. Do you want to keep buying things for other people? I want to hear your thoughts.


  1. Though I hate my job- I have to go to work. What people don't understand is when they have a child- it doesn't matter what they do. I hate the fuck out of my job- but I do it. We have a hard time affording everything- but that's ok. The only thing I need help with is medical for Lillie and myself. The state provides for Lillie- as they should. Don't get me started on medical in America. I know a lot of good people that do not have the care they need and others who have died without it. I could not get it for myself or Andrew. So I got Aflack. Do you know how much Aflack costs a month? I am covered for emergencies and I am covered for doctor visits INCLUDING specialists. That costs me $13.00 a month. That comes out of my GROSS PAY. So fuck everyone and their laziness. It isn't difficult to look for "deals." I completely agree with you and feel like I'm doing the best I can. Lillie deserves medical. We all do, hard working American people deserve it.

  2. Absolutely lil cuz! I agree that your daughter needs medical, thats perfectly fine. You are working and struggling to get by, you deserve the aid for doing what you do, and for the situation you're in. I think it's crap that some people get away with the stuff that they do! Its absolute horseshit how we reward the lazy.

    1. You are less than a month older than me! Stop calling me lil cuz! lol I have a baby now! THAT YOU SIR, NEED TO MEET.

  3. i agree with what you're saying.. it's ridiculous that people are taking advantage of the system, but i'm not surprised.. just like that lady that won the lottery and was still using her foodstamps, people will take advantage of any free shit they can get and we can't expect them to change on their own.. they have to be forced to change.. it's all politics.. the politicians know it's wrong, but they will support anything that gets them the most votes.. so politicians also have to be forced to change.. i have a theory that the democrats are influenced too much by the poor and the republicans are influenced too much by the rich.. if things worked out like they're supposed to, the two parties would meet in the middle on every issue and everything would be fair for the middle class(the working class), but i think what's happening is that instead of them meeting in the middle of each issue, they are basically trading one issue for another.. the republicans please the rich through (unfair) tax cuts, while the democrats please the poor through (unfair) unnecessary benefit programs, but this leaves the middle class asking 'what the hell?'.. what's happening is the super rich are becoming richer and the super poor are becoming poorer because both are politically backed and 'protected'... while the middle class is dwindling and paying the price for both... i think this shows that the system is broken and our society is weakened because we don't fight to make things fair, we don't fight to make things come together in the middle.. possibly because we're the ones that are working all day and are simply worn out.. the middle class needs to fight, making these issues bigger in the political arena, and vote for people that will represent us.. before we are no longer the majority and no longer have the ability to influence the decision makers
